Here are some of my favorite harvests from this season.
Some unusual and equally delicious vegetables to consider planting this season:
Ethopian Eggplants
Sweetbell peppers
Black Nebula Carrots
Black Zebra Tomatoes
Artemisia Afra – Lengana/ Wild wormwood - tea made from this indigenous herb will help soothe colds and flues
Bulbine frutescens – Burn jelly plant will sort out burns, cuts, bruises and rashes. This plant is a useful first-aid remedy for my boy's daily knocks and scrapes.
(Please note that this information is for educational purposes and not substitute for professional medical advice or treatment).
Culinary herbs
These are perfect growing just outside the kitchen for those moments when you need to snip a few stalks to add to whatever may be cooking on the stove.
There’s indigenous varieties too!
Italian basil
Flat leaf parsley
Bay leaf
Tulbaghia violacea – indigenous Wild garlic
Fresh-cut flowers
Yes, yes indeed girls. Pick your favourite fresh flowers from your garden to spruce up your home and impress your guests this summer.
Here are some of mine:
Zantedeschia aethopica – Arum lily
Eucomis pallidiflora - Giant pineapple lily
Crinum macowani - Crinum lily
Lavandula species - Lavender
Fruit & Nut
There’s nothing like the sweet buttery flavour of fresh nuts and the delicious freshly picked fruit. None of that bitter after taste from store bought varieties.
Here are some of my favourite to grow this season:
Peaches and Nectarines
Cape gooseberries
Macadamia nuts